To build health knowledge and skills in the cognitive, social and behavioral domains.
Mission :
The mission of AMELIO’s “CHERI” is to protect and promote the health of children and youth by supporting coordinate school health programs as foundation for school success.
Goals :
To provide leadership and achieve its mission, AMELIO has adopted five goals
Interdisciplinary Collaboration : Promote interdisciplinary collaboration among all who work to protect and improve the health, safety and well-being of children, youth, families and communities.
Professional Development : Provide professional development opportunities for all those associated with school health programmes.
Advocacy : Provide advocacy for building and strengthening effective school health programs.
Research :Encourage quality research to strengthen school health programs.
Health Evaluation : Physical Health, Physiological, Psychological Health
Objectives of a School Health Service are:
The Promotion of Positive Health
The Prevention of Diseases
Early Diagnosis and Treatment and Follow-up of Defects